Meridian Therapy
Restoring Vital Free Flowing Chi
Meridians are pathways along which vital Chi (life force energy) flows, linking organs and the body with acupressure points along the way. Chi should flow freely through organs in order to maintain good health.
Meridians work in pairs, each one has its own pathway through the body. All meridians are connected to each other, unifying all parts of the body. The free flowing Chi they bring is vital to achieve homeostasis.
The aim of acupuncture and reflexology is to balance Chi within the body in order to facilitate the body’s natural healing potential and prevent dis-ease.
A highly effective treatment protocol implemented at Reflexology Body Balance, is to incorporate meridian therapy as part of a reflexology treatment.
Meridian therapy is used as a tool to understand the disease pathway, to increase the flow of Chi, and restore patient health while still adopting a holistic approach to patient care.