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Reiki Healing & Chakra Balancing

Balancing the flow of Universal Life Force Energy
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What is Reiki?

Reiki is pronounced ray-key, it means Universal Life Force Energy.  Rei, means Universal and Ki means Energy. Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of hands-on healing through Universal Life Energy which is all around us and within us from birth. If our supply of life force energy becomes depleted we may become physically and emotionally ill.

Reiki isn't linked to any religion or specific belief. All that is needed is your willingness to accept this gentle universal energy.

It's all about energy

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What is a treatment like?

I invite you to lie on a comfortable treatment couch. You remain fully clothed throughout the session.


​Once I have completed my preparation ritual and I'm tuned into Reiki energy, the session can commence. During these sessions, I use a variety of tools, including selenite wands (a high-energy crystal), an amethyst pendulum, Tibetan singing bowls, and other crystals.


A selenite wand is used to cleanse your aura and clear negative energy from the physical body. I use my hands to scan your body to sense any stuck energy and where healing is needed.

I have been an Usui Reiki Practitioner for 10 years, and I follow my intuition throughout each session. I firmly believe that during Reiki, universal life energy will flow to all parts of the body, and therefore it isn't always necessary to follow the traditional hand placements.

The chakras' energy centers are balanced with Reiki. I place my hands close to your body over the Crown Chakra at the top of the head, working my way down the body through each of the seven main chakras and placing the appropriate crystal on each chakra.

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You will draw all the universal life energy needed at that time. Reiki is cumulative, and even though you may not notice much the first time, with each session you will have progressively deeper experiences.

You may become emotional and experience sensations such as tingling, heat, cold, a cool breeze, or seeing colors while receiving Reiki. All of this is quite normal.

After receiving Reiki, you will be energetically rebalanced. You will feel more vitality and yet experience a calmer mind. You will feel grounded and relaxed. You may notice other changes that continue to unfold as the days and weeks progress, like mental clarity and being less reactive and more tired in the evening than usual. This is the body's natural healing response to Reiki.

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Benefits of Reiki
  • Balances the energies in the body including the chakras.

  • Balances organs & glands and their bodily functions.

  • Increases energy and vitality.

  • Releases blocked & suppressed emotions.

  • Reduces stress and anxiety.

  • Enhances personal awareness & helps meditative states.

  • Heals holistically & promotes self-healing.

  • Adapts to the receiver's needs.

  • Eliminates toxins and strengthens the immune system.

  • Reduces and relieves pain,

  • Strengthens the body's ability to heal itself.

  • Promotes creativity and a deep sense of well-being.

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