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Writer's pictureGaby Rockett

How you experience sciatica through your nervous system

The following profound quote has intrigued me to the extent that it has led me to write this blog: "We never really encounter the world; all we experience is our own nervous system." Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, The Bhagavad Gita

There is no other system in your body that illustrates homeostasis better than your nervous system. The nervous system responds quickly to stimuli as every cell of every nerve works in balance for maximum performance.

In this article, you will learn what your nervous system is and why sciatica, restless leg syndrome, numbness, and tingling are symptoms of a nervous system imbalance.

I will share insight into how reflexology and Neuroflexology© are the best choices to help you restore critical nervous system balance and rid yourself of unnecessary pain.

Your brain (the cerebral cortex) is the seat of consciousness and creativity, and, through the spinal cord and nerves, it takes in information through your senses, processes the information, and triggers responses. The brain also receives sensory input from outside the body and from within.

95% of the brain’s activity is carried out unconsciously by the autonomic nervous system, which works closely with the endocrine system to monitor and maintain the critical link to all other body systems.

What is the nervous system?

Your nervous system is divided into two main parts: the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of your brain, and the lifeline to your body, which is your spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of your cranial and spinal nerves.

There are 12 cranial nerves located inside your brain, and they carry impulses to and from your brain. The spinal nerves that emerge from your spinal cord innervate the rest of your body.

The peripheral nervous system is subdivided into the somatic nervous system (SNS) and the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

The somatic nervous system, also known as the voluntary nervous system, allows us to control our skeletal muscles, such as moving our arms, legs, and other parts of the body. However, sometimes muscle contractions can also be involuntary through what is known as the reflex arc.

The autonomic nervous system controls all processes that are involuntary; hence, it is also known as the involuntary nervous system. The autonomic nervous system is subdivided into the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which stimulates activity and reactions to changes in our environment, and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which inhibits activity. Together, they counterbalance each other to bring about homeostasis.

Unfortunately, most of us seem to be stuck where our sympathetic nervous system is in control. I have seen this in the Quantum full body function scan results of patients, with the rate and force of heart contractions increasing, slow peristalsis in the small intestine and colon, resulting in bloating, gas, constipation, etc. In the instance of chronic stress, your body is stuck in the ‘fight or flight’ response, where your endocrine system is constantly secreting cortisol and adrenaline hormones, and your body never gets to sit in the ‘rest and digest’ state.

Millions of messages are transmitted back and forth from the brain to your body along 31 pairs of spinal nerves coming from your spinal cord. With 26 hollow vertebrae and the stress we put our spine under, it's no wonder the spine can be a source of misery and pain for many people.

Do you have an imbalanced nervous system?

Stress, whether physical or mental, acts like a tourniquet on your body causing an imbalance in all body systems.

Living with back pain, sciatica, restless leg syndrome, slow peristalsis movement in the small intestine and colon, chronic stress, and unexplainable skin sensitivity on the thighs, headaches, tingling, loss of feeling, muscle weakness, memory loss, lack of coordination etc. are the physical symptoms of living life through your nervous system.

Whether it is due to an injury, muscular spasm, pinched nerves, inflammation, or degeneration of the spine, your nervous system is out of balance!

Case in point: sciatica, restless leg, hip, and knee pain.

The sciatic nerve (N. Ischiadicus) comes out of L4, L5, and S1 to S2. Its pathway leaves the pelvis together with the piriformis muscle, runs through the gluteal region, and deep into the dorsal (back) of the thigh. It splits into the tibial and peroneal nerves. Any impingement, inflammation, or disc degeneration anywhere along L4, L5, and S1 to S2 will affect the hamstrings and all the muscles of the lower leg. It will cause:

  • Pain and a burning sensation on the lateral (side) and dorsal (back) of the body on the hip and knee joints, lower leg, and foot

Case in point: hip and knee pain and skin sensitivity on the thighs.

The femoral nerve (N. Femoralis) comes out of L2 to L4. Its course is forward and down between the psoas and iliacus muscles. It passes under the inguinal ligament into the femoral triangle and down the ventral (front) part of the thigh. Any impingement, disc degeneration, or inflammation anywhere along L2 to L4 will affect the iliac and quadriceps muscles, resulting in:

  • Skin sensitivity on the ventral (front) of the thigh and medially (centre) of the body on the lower leg

  • Pain on the ventral (front) parts of the hip and knee joints

In both above cases, nerve impulses and blood circulation are negatively impacted.

Neuroflexology© has benefited many of my patients who have come to me seeking to balance their nervous system and, in so doing, get relief from pain associated with sciatica, restless leg syndrome, pinched nerves, headaches, numbness, tingling, and burning sensations, and all-over body tics.

It is important to note that what affects the top of your spine affects the bottom, and vice versa. For instance, if you fell down the stairs and your buttocks took the impact, you may experience neck pain too.

Reflexology and Neuroflexology© to your rescue

Your body’s vital functions depend on an unimpeded nerve supply and an adequate blood supply to perform at optimum levels. Neuroflexology© and reflexology treatments are highly effective in doing this.

Your treatments with me are personalised and focused. Using Neuroflexology© and reflexology, they have a positive effect on your body. Most patients experience some relief from their first treatment.

A reflexology treatment benefits the entire body, reducing stress and tension along the spine and organ reflexes on the feet. A good reflexology treatment also includes what reflexologists regard as the helper areas for the spine, which are the hips/sciatica, pelvic area, knees/legs, side of the neck, and shoulder reflexes too.

I am the only registered and approved neuroflexology practitioner in South Africa. A Neuroflexology© treatment switches on your body’s healing system via the central nervous system and the endocrine system for essential hormone communication throughout your body.

Neuroflexology© has benefited many of my patients who have come seeking relief from pain associated with sciatica, restless leg syndrome, pinched nerves, numbness, tingling, and all-over body tics.

Did you know that when reflexology is given alongside physiotherapy and chiropractic treatments, it complements your medical treatments? It is also super effective at speeding up postoperative recovery as it increases nerve impulses and blood circulation.

You don’t have to settle for living in pain!

Book your 1st reflexology treatment today; it is quick and hassle-free, and you can book up to a month in advance.


Ruth Hull, Anatomy & Physiology for therapists and healthcare professionals, Published by The Write Idea Ltd (2011), pages 200-205

Cleveland Clinic, Femoral Nerve, accessed 29/05/2023, <>


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